Activities of the DepartmentBack
Department of Business Economics. (B.Com) : Established in 1994
Department of Economics (B.A.) : Established in 2006
Faculty members in Department : 02
Subject Offered
Business Economics I, II & III, Micro Economics I&II and V, Macro Economics I&II and VI, Economies of Development, International Economics , Financial Economies , Indian Financial System and Foundation Course I &II
Activities of the Department
- Recognized Research Centre for Ph.D. in Business Economics under the University of Mumbai
- Conducted State Level Seminar on “MICROFINANCE: A Tool For Women Empowerment & Poverty Alleviation” on 5TH& 6TH Feb 2010
- Conducted Mock Stock Exchange, Workshop on GST calculation and Brain Teaser in Aroma- Talent in Your DNA festival.
- Department organizes visit to Bombay Stock Exchange every year.
- Department conducts remedial lectures for students
- Total students completed Ph.D -06
- Total students completed M.Phil-12
- Students Pursuing Ph.D.-04
- Total No. of Papers published by the department members – 31
- No. of Papers Presented by the department members - 13
- No. of Workshop attended by the department members –13
Profile of Faculty Members

Dr. V. M. Ingavale
QUALIFICATION: M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. ( Ex-Principal) Retired on 31st May 2017
EXPERIENCE : 36 Years at Degree level and 11 years at P.G. level
- Presently Retired
- Worked as Principal, Head of the Department of Bus. Economics.
- Recognized guide for Busines Economics for Ph.D. and M.Phil under University of Mumbai. 12 students completed M.Phil and 6 students completed Ph.D under his guidance .
- P.G. teaching for M. A., M.Com.
Membership Details :
Dr. V.M. Ingavale was a:
- Member of NAAC Assessors’ Committee, Bangalore.
- Member of Academic Council, University of Mumbai.
- Member of BCUD( Board of College and University Development), University of Mumbai
- Member of Commerce Faculty, University of Mumbai.
- Member of Senate, Board of studies (Business Economics) in University of Mumbai.
Papers and Books Published since last five year
- 2015-16
- 2016-17

Dr. Bhavana Trivedi (HOD )
EXPERIENCE : 13 years
POSITION: Assistant Professor
- Recognized PG teacher and research guide for Ph.D.for Business Economics under the University of Mumbai . At present 04 students are pursuing Ph.D.under her guidance.
- Submitted Minor research on “Social Transformation through Microfinance :A Critical Analysis of Urban Poor of Kurar Village, Malad (E ) Western Suburb, Mumbai to Mumbai university on 25 July 2013. (amount- 28000)
International Visits:
- Visit to Istanbul, Turkey : Dr. Bhavana Trivedi presented a paper in 9th International Conference of ISTR(International Society for Third Sector Research) On Impact of Solidarity Based Govt. Programme SGSY on women and backward section of the society in Vasai Taluka, Dist. Thane in July 2011in Istanbul ,Turkey. The visit was sponsored by Ford Foundation.
- Visit to Munster, Germany : Dr. Bhavana Trivedi presented a paper on “Role of NGO in Social Transformation: An analysis of Urban Poor of Kurar Village ,Malad (E ) Western Suburb, Mumbai in an International Conference Conducted by ISTR in Munster, Germany in July 2014. The visit was sponsored by UGC under Travel Grant Scheme.
Papers and Books Published in the last five year
- 2014-15
- 2015-16
- 2016-17
- 2017-18
- 2018-19

Ms. Nidhi Anil Mehta
EXPERIENCE : 3 years
POSITION : Assistant Professor (Aided and Self Finance )